June 2017

FPDI free pdf parser that support PDF above 1.4
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FPDI free pdf parser that support PDF above 1.4

One of our client asked a very interesting question - Is there any trick for FPDI free Pdf parser to make it compatible with PDF version higher than 1.4 without purchasing the commercial license? Starting from the introduction of FDPI , it's a collection of PHP classes allowing developers to read pages from PDF files & use them ...

December 2016

Redirect Website using Meta Tag
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Redirect Website using Meta Tag

A page redirect means forwarding the URL to another location. For example, we request "http://www.infoconic.com/web-1" to browser and browser redirect to "http://www.infoconic.com/web-2" instead. Redirection is done on server side and client side as well. When no client side redirection method exist, browser send request to server and ...

November 2016

Leverage Browser Caching Using .htaccess
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Leverage Browser Caching Using .htaccess

Before we proceed with Leverage browser caching, its more important to understand cache memory. what is cache memory ? A cache is the high speed temporary storage data. Let us give you a very straight forward example, we are aware of YouTube platform and its services. When watching videos on YouTube, request is sent to YouTube server...

September 2016

Implement Ajax in WordPress default search
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Implement Ajax in WordPress default search

Millions of developers are familiar with WordPress. WordPress is not just a content management system but has become global platform for website development and blogging. By default WordPress lack some important functionalities and features and thus sometime we need to modify its default behavior. Today we I'll guide you about Ajax Im...